This evening, at 9:54, summer says its last farewell and we begin the Autumnal Equinox. Here at Brian Beal Moore Catering, we’ve celebrated the occasion with one last hoorah by preparing a last day of summer menu.
We let Far East flavors be our guide. Our kitchen became intensely enhanced while we prepared the Yángròu Chuàn (cumin and chili lamb) and when we seared the swordfish (after a long bath in miso, mirin, shoyu, fresh ginger, and jalapeño), the aroma alerted any passersby that we creating something seriously, deliriously, delicious!
The table was set with a linen that harkens back to the long and sultry days we’ve had, but not so much that it looks out of season. The richly deep purple flowers add that last little bit of summer flare.
If you too want to bid the season adieu, message me and we shall be happy to share our recipes!